Bullet Heaven games have surged in popularity since the launch of the iconic Vampire Survivors, with AAA studios like Riot Games diving into the genre and putting their unique spin on it.

I took on a challenge to build a game in just three days from scratch, inspired by these recent hits.


  1. Player Controller 
  2. 4 Enemy Types
  3. Augments that apply buffs to the character (e.g 20% fire rate)
  4. Controller and Mouse and KB Support

I'm eager to get feedback on what could be improved, added, or removed. Your input would be greatly appreciated!

I have included a playable WebGL build alongside a downloadable version for windows. Enjoy!

Note: The game is still a work in progress and currently lacks features like sound effects, feedback mechanisms, and particle systems, but the core gameplay loop is up and running.


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I like the theme and how it currently looks. It's a great start for it to turn into something great, and excited to see the development progress. 

General Feedback:

  • Unless you can get more than 3 upgrades each level, I think the upgrades are spaced too far apart
  • Tree collisions are too big
  • Does the fire rate upgrade work? I had upgraded it a few times, and didn't feel like there was a change 
  • It would be nice if there was a confirmation to restart the level
    • I didn't press the 'R' key accidentally during gameplay, but would be a nice safety net
  • You can see where the grass is being tiled, would be good to have this be seamless 
  • The map feels a little empty with the number of enemies spawning


  • You can reach the edge of the map and fall off
  • Level and experience text overlaps each other, and goes to a new line
  • You can stand inside buildings, bushes, trees etc
    • Sometimes you can get on top of the bushes
    • For the trees, you can push yourself inside of it and fall through the map
    • In some cases, the zombies and bats can't hit you when you are inside one of these objects 
    • Since the XP goes straight to you, I could stay in one of these objects to gain some free XP until I started to get hit, or one of the flaming skulls was approaching